First Aid for Outdoors – ideal for Forest School Leaders
This course is over 2 x 6 hour days or 4 x 3 hour evenings. It is intended to promote an understanding of what to do /arising out of incidents where an Ambulance cannot get to you because of terrain or environmental factors when outdoors with children or young people. There is an emphasis on the practical aspects of First Aid with role play and the course includes group work and discussion.
The following first aid for outdoors course book needs to be obtained prior to the course:
Outdoor First Aid by Katherine Wills (ISBN 978-1-906095-35-2)
A deeper knowledge, of outdoor first aid, will give you confidence in case of accidents and emergencies and many of the skills listed below are transferable to an adult context.
- Outdoor First Aid kit contents
- First Aid for an unconscious person, when ambulance delayed
- Resuscitation procedures for infants, children and adults
- Choking rescue procedures for infants/children/adults
- Asthma and Diabetic emergency procedure
- Injuries to the head
- Seizure/convulsions (’fitting’)
- First Aid for bleeding in all environments (includes Tourniquet)
- How to manage burns/scalds
- First Aid for sprains, strained and fractured limbs including temporary immobilisation
- Ingestion of poison, insect bites and stings
- The importance of shelter and dealing with extremes of temperature while outdoors (UK)
- Managing a suspected spinal injury