Can you give training to our different shift workers at different times

Yes, we tailor our training to your needs, so we can deliver the same module several times a day to accommodate all your staff needs.

Can an Appointed Person carry out first-aid?

Yes, but only if they have been trained for it. An Appointed Person is not necessarily trained in first aid, but they are appointed to look after the emergency supplies such as the first aid equipment and to call the emergency services in an emergency.

Do we need a Defibrillator at our workplace?

Not necessarily, unless there has been a need pinpointed in the workplace after an assessment. If a Defibrillator is in place the Employer should provide information on it and written instructions on how to use it. Our FAW and EFAW courses both cover using a Defibrillator.

How many people in our group?

Groups can be any size but a comfortable number is about 12 - 18. If your company has many staff working different shifts, we can accommodate this by repeating the course throughout the day so that every staff member is covered - i.e. in a care home.

Can I give out tablets or medication if someone is sick?

We do not recommend that medication is kept in the first aid box, except Aspirin if you suspect that someone may be having a heart attack. You can help someone take their own medication if they ask you to, if it has been prescribed by their doctor (i.e. an inhaler if they have Asthma).

What about about cross-infection when giving First Aid?

Our First Aid training covers concerns particularly about contracting HIV or Hepatitis B or C. You can also read the advice in this leaflet Blood-Borne Viruses in the Worplace: